Kimmie's Place of Love, Joy & Peace Inc. NFP provides resources for women and their children who suffer from domestic & substance abuse. We offer transitional housing, childcare, employment services, case management, counseling and therapeutic/clinical services to develop skills for sustainable, independent and healthy life-styles.
Every one has their own journey. At Kimmie's Place we are not only concerned of the place you have gotten too but HOW you got there. We provide comprehensive services that take a look at your journey and provide resources to began the healing process in order to adopt healthy life habits along the way. All programming is centered around trauma care to heal families from the inside out to create best practices to develop sustainable skills to live healthy and independent lives.
We provide transitional housing options for women and children for a maximum of 18 months. There are three programs your are eligible to enroll in: Concrete Rose (off site programming), The Phoenix ( 9 months), Agape Warriors (18 months).
We believe that childcare should not be a barrier. All members have priority to our childcare program. During your enrollment in our programming, we will provide licensed childcare programming with a therapeutic trauma component as you grow and develop healthy habits with your child until graduation.